The Heiress Script Pdf

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Peril on the High Seas. Let's Get Together and Do Launch. All aboard the H.M.S. Majestic for a riotous adventure in this full length melodrama set in the Roaring Twenties! Little does our heroine, the heiress Merry Ann Sweet, know that she is the intended victim of the villainous Snively Swine's kidnapping plot. The Heiress. So u t h Co a S t Repe R to R y P5 appeared at SCR previously in Doubt, a parable.Other theatre credits include Educating Rita and Trying (Ovation Award nomination for Best Actress) at The Colony Theatre; The Cherry Orchard opposite Annette Bening and Alfred Molina at Center Theatre Group;. OCLC Number: 25522560: Notes: Statement of responsibility from the 1st leaf. 'October 24, 1949.' 'Suggested by the Henry James novel Washington square'-1st leaf. Directed by William Wyler. With Olivia de Havilland, Montgomery Clift, Ralph Richardson, Miriam Hopkins. A young naive woman falls for a handsome young man who her emotionally abusive father suspects is a fortune hunter.

The Heiress
Suggested by the Henry Hames novel 'Washington Square'

User Rating: 3.7 (2 votes)


The background of the play is New York in the 1850s and the basic story tells of a shy and plain young girl, Catherine Sloper, who falls desperately in love with a delightful young fortune hunter. Catherine's lack of worldliness prevents her from realizing that the young man proposing to her is not entirely drawn to her by her charm. Catherine's father, a successful doctor, sees through the fortune hunter and forbids the marriage, but his daughter proposes an elopement which fails to materialize because the young man knows most of her expected fortune will go elsewhere if he marries her. Catherine retires into a little world of her own. But the fortune hunter turns up once more and again proposes to her. For a moment, Catherine leads him to believe that she will accept him, but when he calls by appointment, she locks the door, blows out all the lights, and allows him to realize that she will not be fooled for the second time.
Play Details:
Genre(s): Drama
Time Period(s): 19th Century
Play Type: Play
Runtime: 155 minutes
Acts: 2
Set Complexity: Simple
Set Information: Sitting room furniture
Year First Published: Not Available
Total Characters: 9
Male Characters: 3
Female Characters: 6
Androgynous Characters:Not Available
Minimum Cast: Not Available
Maximum Cast: Not Available
Cost: FEE: $50 per performance. SPECIAL NOTE: A CD with cue sheet containing the original music by Robert Waldman for the Broadway production is available through the Play Service for $25.00, which includes packaging and shipping. The fee for the use of this music is $10.00 per performance
Royalty/cost information prone to change.
Please check with the publisher for the most accurate information.
Publisher: Dramatists Play Service
Click on the publisher's name above for additional information, including updated prices.
ISBN: 0822205114
Buy it Online Now: Amazon.comBarnes and!
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- Good morning.

- Good morning.

- Here's the dress for Miss Sloper.

- Thank you.

Miss Cathy, it's your new dress!

Will you take it out of the box,

Maria, and hang it up?

Yes, Miss.

Well, that's all, I think.

- I'll be at the Harrisons'.

- Yes, Doctor.

The heiress episodes

I may not get to the clinic today

at all.

- Good morning, Lavinia.

- Good morning, Austin.

- Catherine's starting another?

- She embroiders beautifully.

I hope she doesn't let it become

a life's work.

Austin, yesterday

I had the most exciting experience!

- Oh?

- I met two people from Poughkeepsie.

Birth certificate. They had been

members of my husband's congregation.

When I told them I was stopping

with my brother,

Dr. Sloper, 16 Washington Square,

they were so impressed.

It's just made my visit!

Lavinia, would you care

to spend the winter here?

The winter? Oh, gladly!

Good. I thought if you stayed on,

you might help Catherine.

Help her? But help her how, Austin?

For instance,

Elizabeth's party this evening,

you couldpersuade Catherine

to join in with the young people.

Enjoy herself.

- But of course she'll do that.

- I hope so.


Six pounds. That'll be 30 cents.

- Could you please cut off the head?

- Yes, Miss. Kitty, kitty, kitty.

- There you are.

- Thank you.

Yes, ma'am. Fresh fish!

- Morning, Father.

- Morning, Catherine.

I bought a fine fish

for the chowder you like.

The heiress script pdf creator

That's very thoughtful.

Next time,

let the man carry it in for you.

- Oh. Yes, Father.

- Coming!

It's a lovely morning. Why don't you

invite your Aunt Lavinia or a friend

to take luncheon with you,

perhaps go to a park concert?

I can't. I have some embroidery

I'd like to attend to.

Ah, yes.

Well, I'll see you this evening.

Yes, Father. Goodbye.

- Catherine?

The Heiress Script Pdf Online

- Come in, Aunt Penniman.

Ooh, you must hurry, dear.

You were a long time

at that hospital committee.

- Too long.

- Didn't you like it?

Some ladies on the committee

are so foolish, they're useless.

They think it ill-bred to know

anything about food or the kitchen.

Such airs and graces.

When I was young,

we took pride in our housewifery.

My, the meals I used to set before

the Reverend Penniman, rest his soul!

- Then, you have deceived me, Aunt.

- How so?

You led me to believe

The heiress script pdf signer

that you and he lived on love alone.

A witticism like that would be

of interest to people this evening.

It's a very good way to get started.

What I mean is, don't go off

by yourself tonight, will you?

Stay with all of us

and enjoy the party.

You have been talking to Father.

Well, yes, dear. In a way I have.

- Your father...

- Fatherwould like me to be composed

- and to join in the conversation.

- Yes.

- I can't, Aunt Lavinia.

- Perhaps you don't try sufficiently.

Oh, I do! I do!

I would do anything to please him.

There's nothing


that means more to me.

I have sat here in my room

and made notes of the things I should

say and how I should say them.

But when I am in company, it seems

that no one wants to listen to me.

Now, Catherine.

If you will stay by me this evening,

you will see that what I say is not

always of the greatest importance

but, dear,

that doesn't keep me from talking.

Yes, Aunt.

Now, I'll finish dressing

and meet you downstairs.


Come in, Catherine.

Good evening, Father.

Do I disturb you?

You are not a disturbing woman,

my dear.

Do you like my dress?

Is it possible this

magnificent person is my daughter?

The Heiress Script Pdf

But you are sumptuous, opulent.

The Heiress Script Pdf

You look as if

you have 80,000 a year.

- I thought you'd like the color.

- Yes.

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- It's cherry red.

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- So it is.

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