Cool Chess Game

Hi my friends,

It was a time when i was struggling trying to find an apropriate username that could suit my personality, i had done a list of names, and proceed by elimination until i choose my actual name, 'YouWillGetHurt' :) .


Play chess online with real people from all over the world. Play bullet, blitz, rapid, classic or correspondence chess. Solve puzzles, play against the computer. Completely free! Try playing an online chess game against a top chess computer. You can set the level from 1 to 10, from easy to grandmaster. If you get stuck, use a hint or take back the move. When you are ready to play games with human players, register for a free account!

Awesome Chess Game

So to help people to chose their future user name or just inspire them, i will publish the list, hope it could help anyone :

  • IveBeatenKasparov
  • PawnsHurricane
  • HereComesYourLose
  • DontMessWithMe
  • TasteYourLose
  • PawnMaster
  • TheLoseGrandMaster
  • ChesslessGuy
  • Chessminator
  • TheTasteOfLosing
  • DefeatIsYourDestiny
  • PawnsTrader
  • DoYouWannaLoseSoCome
  • TheDefeatIsNearbyForYou
  • ChessDragon
  • RuminateOverYourDefeat
  • ReflectOnYourLose
  • LoseIsYourOnlyOption
  • LoseMaster
  • ThePunisher
  • ChessKnight
  • ChessKing
  • IllBeatYouUpBadly
  • IllHurtYou
  • HeartBreaker
  • IPredictYouWillLose
  • HowDareYouChallengeMe
  • IwillCheckmateYourSoul
  • YourSoulWillGetCheckmated
  • SoulCheckmater/MindCheckmater/BrainCheckmater
  • MindDestroyer
  • BadlyBeatenYouWillBe
  • YouWannaBeHumilieted
  • LoserSoulCollector
  • TamerOfChessPlayers
  • ImminentLossForyou
  • LossBringer
  • DefeatBurgerMaker
  • PizzaDefeat
  • TheLonlyMaster
  • CongratulationYouLost
  • PathOfLooser

Some username may already exists, feel free to use any of those.

GameCool Chess Game

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Best Regards,



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